Why ScreenWrite?

ScreenWrite provides intensive, 121  and face to face bespoke online training that is affordable, professionally focused and vocational. It can provide this high quality training at such a low cost because it concentrates on what is important… teaching and learning.

ScreenWrite does not provide libraries, student bars, sports centres, state-of-the-art TV studios or any of the paraphernalia of a modern university or college. Instead, ScreenWrite concentrates on providing high-quality teaching and intensive 1-2-1 feedback through face-to-face tutor time.

After teaching in UK Universities for over 10 years, ScreenWrite founder Chris Jury, realised that what was missing in the UK screenwriting education landscape was a comprehensive yet affordable set of courses that could prepare students for the film and television industries without plunging them into crippling debt.

Institutional training in screenwriting, especially at post-graduate level, is now so expensive it either excludes everyone except the very wealthy or plunges students into so much debt that they will be repaying it for the rest of their lives.

ScreenWrite is the affordable alternative for everyone and anyone who is unable or unwilling to undertake full-time study in a university or college. Many of our students are young people studying with us rather than University of college. Many are graduates seeking to develop their skills beyond BA level. Many are mature students who have never undertaken a university or college course before. Some are hoping for careers in film and TV others are studying for the pure joy of it… and although studying at ScreenWrite is hard work it’s also great fun! There’s lots of laughs along the way and a fulfilling sense of achievement when you complete your script!


For under £3600 you could learn about the full range of screenwriting skills by writing a short film, a feature film and an authored television drama pilot script and bible.

All with as much 121, face to face online feedback as you need and at times to suit you.

Compare that with the cost of traditional university or college course fees.

 What would I pay elsewhere?

A BA Screenwriting at a UK university that covers a curriculum of similar breadth would cost £27,000 in fees alone + accommodation and subsistence for 3 years (Total cost approx £50,000).
The 1 year distance learning MA Screenwriting at Royal Holloway costs £7200 + travel, accommodation and subsistence for 4 residential weeks.
The 1 year MA Screenwriting at University Of Manchester costs £9,750 + accommodation and subsistence for a year.
The 1 year MA Screenwriting at the London Film School or NFTS costs £14,000 + accommodation and subsistence for a year.

By comparison the full ScreeWrite programme costs £3600 and is a complete training in writing for film and television that prepares you to write for YouTube, Hollywood or Netflix.